Parker's Puzzle Posse

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Parker is no longer a preschooler!

Today was the day I have been dreading all year.  Parker's last day of preschool.  Looking back over his preschool journey, he has grown SO much.  He went there my baby, and came home today my little man.  It was hard to say goodbye to his friends and teachers, but especially hard to say goodbye to Parker's 4th grandma, Ms. Debbie.  Debbie is our angel sent down from heaven.  She worked with autistic children for years so it was no surprise Parker LOVES her.  Every morning when I would wake his up to go to school, I would always say "Do you want to go see Ms. Debbie today?" and he would smile.  This morning I said it for the last time, and it broke my heart.  How was I going to say goodbye to a teacher who has been with both of my boys for the last 4 years.  I didn't know how I would do it so I sat down and wrote her a letter.  I told her how much she means to me and to both of my boys.  I told her I will blow up a picture I took of them last night and always remind Parker of the special angel God sent me to help him and me get through the years of preschool but she was also my shoulder to turn to when I had questions about autism.  She held my hand through it all.  Debbie will always hold a special place in my families lives. 

So walking up to the steps to pick up the kids, I took pictures of the other teachers with Parker and waited to talk to Debbie.  As I snapped away I tried not to think of what was about to happen in just seconds now. I looked at Debbie and tears filled my eyes.  I hugged her so tight and all I could say was Thank You.  Tears started falling down both of our cheeks.  I did not want to leave her.  I wanted to push her in my car and make her come home with me so I never had to say goodbye.  She said she told herself not to cry, but how could she not.  She loved Parker like he is one of her own.  So we hugged and cried one more time until I had to force myself to turn around and start walking to my car.  We were leaving a very special person and a great school. I can only hope and pray God sends me another angel like Debbie.  But no one will ever be able to take the place of Ms. Debbie, as she was there for us from the beginning. 

Thank you Ms. Debbie for everything!  It will never be enough, but I hope you understand how truly thankful and blessed Parker is to have had you in his life.  We will never forget you and I hope we can stay in touch for many years to come.  I will be sending you an invitation to his high school and college graduations.  (They will be in the mail shortly!)  Love you with all of my heart!


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