Parker's Puzzle Posse

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Autism Awareness at its finest!

Please watch this video.  It is 8 minutes long but worth the watch.

This is something Brian and I worry about every time we go out to eat or go out anywhere with Parker.  Its really nice to see how people react to a child with signs of autism.  What happened in this video shows that the word is getting out and people are becoming aware of how someone acts if they have autism.

The lady who says "They need to teach him how to behave in public" is correct.  We can not teach our kids how to handle crowds, loud noices, strange places, and strangers unless we take them out into public places.  I have felt just like the mother so many times.  You want them to behave "typical" and become so stressed  that you begin to cry.  I want to pick him up and leave to get out of the situation.  It's not fair to Parker or Dylan and I am trying to not become so stressed and deal with the situation, but most importantly, not care what others are thinking of us. 

Please let me know what you think of the video.  Has this happend to a family and your heart when out to them, or did you find it upsetting?




  1. Hello Katie,
    I know how you feel about going out anywhere. My son Gabe kinda acts like the boy in the video. He was diagnosed with Autism in Feb. of this year. Up till then we weren't sure why he acted out like that but now I understand. He always screams his answers and says the same things over and over. Sometimes he just won't sit still and sometimes he runs off. There have been several time he has had meltdowns in public and I did go and cry because I was so stressed out I couldn't take anymore. There were people that thought I wasn't giving him enough discipline and that I let him just do what he wanted to do. This video showed me that there are people out there that will stick up for my son if need be and not pass judgement on him because he is different. I have found that there are many people in Gabe's life that do a really great job helping him with is struggles He has the best PreSchool Teacher to help him. So THANK YOU Mrs.Debbie, Mrs.Linda & Miss Weisel for everything you do for him.

    Traci Jeffries

    1. Traci -

      Is Gabe in the PM class? Parker goes to GLE also and is in the AM class. Those teachers are wonderful! We are going to miss them next year when Parker has to move to Reiley for Kindergarden. Not looking forward to the big change.

      Are you doing the Autism Walk this year?


  2. Kristen HildebrandApril 17, 2012 at 9:55 PM

    Wow! This brought tears to my eyes and anger as well, along with giving me hope that there really are sympathetic people in this world. And Katie, I must say thank you. I've always felt sympathy for parents of children with some disorder or disability, but seeing you deal with it on a daily basis has heightened my awareness even more. I've never seen anything like this first hand, but I know it would upset me terribly to see someone treat a family the way the actor did in this video. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Kristen! It is very hard sometimes but I know God is with me and gives me power and the strength to go on through friends (like you) and family. I never in a million years would have thought I would have a special needs child. But, I know now God gave me Parker because we are a good team!


